What is Cleene?

Cleene Life
2 min readOct 26, 2020

If you’re like anyone in my family or social group, your first thought upon reading the word “Cleene” is; “What the hell does that even mean?”

Well, wonder no longer! Cleene, pronounced “klēn” (or “clean”, for the majority of us who do not understand how to read phonetics), is a Health & Wellness brand that is focused on achieving clean living through science*. From WW to Skinny Teas, the search for wellness is being fueled by greedy companies and misleading information that profit on making us feel bad about ourselves.

That is why Cleene is so committed to research. Everything that I recommend, from lifestyle choices to specific products, will be backed by actual science*. I will also always provide links to any studies or articles that I reference, so you can determine any claim’s legitimacy for yourself.

At this time, I plan for the Cleene blog to be updated weekly, providing in depth summaries of the rotating topics that I cover on Instagram (@CleeneLife). I will focus on all aspects of health & wellness, from the physical to the mental to the spiritual. And I want to hear from you! If there are any topics in particular that you would like more information on, please don’t hesitate to reach out and let me know.

This coming Monday, October 26th, will kick off Diet week! So excited to dive into this topic with y’all and get down to the truth behind want your body really needs.

Stay tuned for fun things to come! Love and light.

*Science being hereby defined as the intellectual and practical activity encompassing the systematic study of the structure and behavior of the physical and natural world through observation and experiment.



Cleene Life

Finding the way to a clean & happy life 🌿 Health & Wellness derived from science. Vulnerability & growth above all.